SUGAR Sim Cases

The SUGAR Sim Cases are a simulation-based curriculum used to prepare medical providers for common challenges (both practical and emotional) faced when working in resource-limited settings. This curriculum was the first in the SUGAR (Simulation Use for Global Away Rotations) Suite of curricula and is a critical element of pre-travel preparation. Whether or not you have prior simulation experience, the Facilitator Training materials will provide you with the skills to join the hundreds of SUGAR facilitators already leading these sessions.
With help from our SUGAR facilitator network we continue to expand the case library to include a variety of specialties in clinical and non-clinical settings. Email us at to develop cases to contribute to the case library.

How do I facilitate SUGAR Sim Cases at my institution?
Facilitator Training, Downloadable Cases, Instructional Videos

How can I incorporate procedures into the SUGAR Sim Cases?
PEARLS Skill Sessions, S-PACK PEARLS Sim Pairing